His Servants' Ministry

The BIBLE has the answer


We serve our LORD and Master willingly with faith, love, honor and gratitude. We appreciate and thank Him for all He's done for us.

The BIBLE has the answer


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Corrupt Bibles

Death Then What?

False Doctrines

Hard or Confusing Verses in the Bible

Is OSAS True? YES! It is true!

OSAS, Once Saved, Always Saved!


Is Jesus Really God?

Is Jesus God?






Is There a Hell? Is there really a 'lake of fire'?


YES! There is a Hell! Yes! There is a Lake of Fire!


Some things we should consider:

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Things Concerning This Life On Earth

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We do not copyright anything. All material on this web site is here to provide free Biblical information. Anyone may freely use any or all the information present, to honor and glorify our awesome Triune God. All material here must remain free to "whosoever."









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Recently I have found false teachings about HELL on the internet. It really disturbs me. I know Satan is strong but he is also wrong! Everybody will NOT go to Heaven. I knew I must bring forth God's never erring Word and show people what Hell is really like. There really IS a HELL. It is a literal PLACE! And most of the world's population will go there UNLESS they have a change of heart. For more articles on Hell, other than below, see Questions People Ask. Also see Worst Sin in Questions Answered.

There absolutely IS a literal HELL.
You do NOT want to go there!

Click below on desired topic:


?How Can I Be Saved?

Hell, Abraham's Bosom

Hell, Bottomless Pit

Hell, Hades

Hell, What Is It Really Like??

Hell, Who Goes There?

Is There Really A Hell?

Hell, the Lake of Fire

Poems About Hell

The Soul is Eternal

We Who Bring the Gospel

What Happens to Souls

What is Hell Like?

Will God Really Judge Our Sin?

Would God Really Send Me to Hell?

My Personal Thoughts About Hell

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The BIBLE has the answer