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Hard or Confusing Bible Verses
The Bible is a very unique Book, to say the least! It can be very confusing to a "babe in Christ," and there will be difficult Passages to understand, even for long time Christians at times. An unbeliever CANNOT comprehend its awesome Promises, because a person must have the Holy Spirit to help them understand.
1 Cor. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (KJV)
I certainly do NOT know it all! Not even close! I have been studying and teaching the Bible for about 40 years now, and there are still things that puzzle me. I have many questions to ask the Great Teacher one day!
The way I interpret a verse or Passage may not be how you interpret it. What it means to me, may not be what it means to you. In this topic, I will give you my opinion of a certain verse or Passage, and what it means to me. I will give other web site links when possible.
May the Holy Spirit give you wisdom and discernment as you study God's Holy Word. Always allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct you in ALL things. Do NOT quench the Spirit and keep Him from working in your life.
Difficult or Confusing Bible Verses
1 Cor.3:13-15, What Motivates Us?
1 Cor.chapter 5, Should the Church Judge?
1 John 3:9, God's Child Cannot Sin . . . ???
1 John 5:4-5, Overcoming By Faith
1 John 5:16 . . . A Sin Unto Death???
1 John 5:18-20, Those Born of God Sinneth Not
1 Thes.5:23, Man's Trinity
2 Cor.2:14-17, Savour of Death, Savour of Life?
2 Thes.2:10-12, Those Left Behind
Col.3:12-17, How Believers Are To Live
Daniel 7:13-14, Christ in His Glory
Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel's 70 Weeks
Ecclesiastes 9:5-10, NO Soul Sleep
Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Woman
Genesis 6:1-2, Sons of God
Hebrews 6:4-9, Can a TRUE Christian Fall from Grace?
Hebrews 10:26, Do NOT Reject Christ!
Isaiah 53:4-5, By His Stripes We Are Healed!
John 6:47-58, Eating the Flesh and Blood of Jesus
John 15:1-6, Unfruitful Branches Burned?
Mark 3:28-29, The Unpardonable Sin?
Matthew Chapter 13, Mystery Parables of Jesus
Matthew 16:19, Keys to Kingdom of Heaven
Matthew 5:48, Being Perfect?
Matthew 7:21-23, Not Every One Goes to Heaven
Matthew 7:6, Cast Not Your Pearls before Swine!
* * * * Matthew 22:36-40, Believers' TWO Commandments * * * *
Matthew 23:13-30, Woes of Hypocrites
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